Entries by idaandersenlang

How I draw Light and Shadow – Sneak Peek

We are getting closer day by day to this years New Year Drawing Retreat. In this sneak peek, I am finalizing the drawing details in light and shade. In the new year drawing retreat, I show you in depth, step by step, my core techniques to draw beautiful, naturalistic light and shade. JUMP INTO THE […]

A glimpse of my drawing process – Form Stage

A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO ALL MY CREATIVE FRIENDS 🎉✨💛✨✍️🤗🎊- come, jump into the new year with me in my traditional 🎉✨New Year Drawing Retreat 2024✨🎉 To make sure to get the sign up link, just to be subscribed to my newsletter at www.idaandersenlang.com – and you will get all information. In this video is a […]

The Lotus Flower Fairy

The Lotus Flower Fairy Ida Andersen Lang 2023 Watercolor and Mixed Media Painting on Watercolor Paper Learn to paint this painting in a video lesson in Art Soul Living – Creative Academy Purchase as Fine Art Print here

Committing to sketching every day

Committing to sketching every day can be the key to successfully making art every day. The secret to this lies in finding out what is doable and fits into your daily life, so to make your sketching habit doable and realistic. The magical thing is that if you can get just a tiny sketch habit […]

Sketching the Buddha in Graphite Pencil

I just recorded this sketching session for my upcoming “Sketching for Life – Challenge 2023”, taking place june 16th – 26th 2023. You can read more this here: https://atelieridaandersenlang.simplero.com/page/290067 In the above video I muse about why it is so important to draw from real life, and how it connects us to the beauty around […]

What I use for graphite drawing

When you start drawing in graphite, it´s always a bit confusing what materials to start with. In this video I show you my basic set of materials for graphite drawing and beyond. View this video for a checklist of basic pencil materials, plus get inspired on how to expand your set from there. * * […]

I have a dream … of drawing

Yesterday I did this sweet, sketchy life drawing (life drawing means drawing from real life, rather than from photographic references) of some of my favourite seashells, on my table. Just a short, fun session, around 30 minutes of drawing. Playing around with the graphite and also with some magic touches of gold (which I luv […]