Newest Paintings by Ida Andersen Lang

Newest Drawings by Ida Andersen Lang
Paintings and Drawings from the Archive by Ida Andersen Lang

The Lotus Pond Gardener

Aphrodite in Pisces

Minerva - The Sky is the Limit

Cerridwen - Lady of Transformation

Whispers of the Wind

Sankalpa Mandala

Kindred Spirits - Rabbit

Brigid - Bringer of the Dawn

One Love Mandala

Blessed by the River Nile

The Sacred Sight

The Lady of the Lake

Kindred Spirits - Sea Turtle

The Angel of Aldebaran

Peace within Me

Wish upon a Star 2021

Gold and Graphite Reverie No.1

Cosmic Hummingbird

Stella Maris

Fawn Spirit

Wish upon a Star 2020

Song of the Siren

Deep Sea Encounter

Journey of the Dolphins

Firefly Dream

Magnolia Fairy

I am the Universe


Sphere Guardian

Sky Deva

Deva of the Tides

Silent Ocean

Step into the Light



For You Only

Forest Girl

Girl Without a Name

Revelation ll

In the Woods

The Winds of Change

Look to the Future

Lotus Girl l

Lotus Deva

The Dream of the Owl

Purple Forest

Return to Innocence


The Spirit of my Grandmother as a Young Girl

18 april - sketch

16 maj - sketch

29 marts - sketch

28 marts - sketch

28 marts ll - sketch

27 marts ll - sketch

26 marts - sketch

26 april - sketch

25 april lll - sketch

24 april - sketch

25 april ll - sketch

23 marts - sketch

23 april - sketch

22 march - sketch

21 marts ll - sketch

3 maj - sketch

1 april - sketch

16 april - sketch

14 maj - sketch

14 april ll - sketch

12 april - sketch

12 april lll - sketch

9 marts - sketch

8 marts - sketch

8 april - sketch

7 marts - sketch

7 maj - sketch

7 april - sketch

See not

Study of a Girl - Pia

Full Moon

The Seeing

Unveiling the World


Wings of Thought

Ancient No I

A Strange Place